3 Simple Ways To Soften Hard Water For Kitchen

Say goodbye to bland taste and nuisance!

Sayan Chakraborty
2 min readAug 28, 2022

Content originally published on Aquaprofessor.com

#1 Boiling

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

Boiling water can beat temporary hardness by removing some unwanted minerals.

  • Boil the drinking water in a container
  • After cooling, preserve the top water and discard the bottom water that comprises unwanted minerals.

How Effective?

The process removes temporary water hardness and is, therefore, less effective. It may not work for all.

It may sound gross, but you can train yourself to pee less often. Read 6 effective ways to make your kidneys happy 👇

#2 Invest In A Portable Ion-Exchange Water Softener

This water filter gives your water a better taste by filtering hard water minerals.

How Effective?

Individually, the device is less effective but becomes effective if a secondary filter comes into play.

You can also consider using Filtersmart whole house water + softener to solve your hard water woes for the whole house, including the kitchen. More details here 👇

#3 Use Bottled Water [for Drinking]

Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash

Bottled water generally comprises soft water. They comprise low levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium and thus, taste good.

How Effective?

They are effective for drinking or general use and can be used as a substitute for tap water. However, the bottles’ plastic is bad for the environment.

We tested Florida’s tap water and the results aren’t satisfactory. Read it here 👇

Do you face hard water issues at your kitchen? Discuss the solutions you adopt in the comments. Clap the story and follow me for helpful water facts.

Have a good day, readers!



Sayan Chakraborty
Sayan Chakraborty

Written by Sayan Chakraborty

Budgeting Tips. Interesting stories. Content Head at aquaprofessor.com

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